Five Ways to Overcome Company Procrastination

In this blog, I want to talk about five ways to overcome company procrastination.  Having been around many different companies over the years, I have had the opportunity to witness many company cultures.

Unfortunately, one culture that I sometimes run into is one of procrastination.  It becomes acceptable to put off the hard work of implementing change.  It becomes acceptable to miss deadlines and come to meetings late.  After all, there is always tomorrow, right?

Here are five reasons why I believe companies procrastinate and what you can do to overcome company procrastination.


1.  Overconfidence

The organization believes that it can implement Lean quickly with little effort.  The reality is true culture change takes time.  Yes, you might see savings as quickly as your first Rapid Improvement Event.  I have written other blogs about that very thing.

Then what happens?  Are you suddenly world-class?  Are all your employees engaged in becoming daily problem solvers?  Have you removed all the waste from your processes?

True Business Transformation takes time and requires a lot of leadership.  As a leadership group, decide upon the culture and results that you desire from your business transformation.  Make sure that you provide enough resources- time, money and people to ensure success.

2.  You don’t know where to begin

I know that for me, this is a key reason that I procrastinate on tasks.  The more you “think” about something, the more you get frustrated with yourself for not moving forward.  Eventually, you either begin or you give up which causes more company angst.

One way around this problem is to find a trusted coach to guide you through the process.  A good coach will guide and provide your organization with the confidence that it can make meaningful change.  Coaches shorten your learning curve and provide a quicker path to success.

3.  Your Company doesn’t believe that it’s important

I’ve said before that no company “has” to begin a Lean journey.  But then no company “has” to stay in business either.  Making your organization best in class regardless of size should be important to everyone in the organization.

Undertaking a Lean Transformation will require leadership to develop a True North vision for the organization.  Implementing a Lean  Management System can be used to increase urgency and drive procrastination out of the company.

4.  Shiny object syndrome

Some companies start down a path and because they haven’t fully developed a long-term plan for their journey, the minute something else comes up they move on to that.  Then they procrastinate when going back to what they should be working on.

That’s why it is important to develop a Lean Game Plan and stick to it one quarter at a time.  Staying focused one quarter at a time allows for adjustments if required.  Having the plan in place enables the organization to focus, eliminate procrastination and see results over an extended period of time.  Review the Lean Management System with employees daily so that they understand this is not a “book of the month” type of scenario.

5.  The organization doesn’t have a “burning platform”

We live in a microwave society today.  Everything is at our fingertips and we are used to instant results.  We can get items delivered to our house in two hours.  It is not easy to take a long term view of business today.  True culture change takes time but is necessary to see outstanding results.

It takes great leadership to support, drive and supply the resources for a successful business transformation.  It is important that leadership supports and celebrates the many small wins that will occur during the Lean journey.

Celebrating small wins with engaged employees builds momentum and will have an avalanche effect in your company!

I hope that if you are procrastinating in deciding to make your company better that you stop immediately.  Chances are your competition is working every day to get better.  Find a trusted coach that can guide you in a successful business transformation and eliminating procrastination in your organization.

As always, it is an honor to serve you and I hope that you and your company are getting better every day!

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