Four Tips for Becoming a Role Model

For anyone successful in leading people, they learned it somewhere. Chances are, they had a role model they could follow. Here are four ways to become a role model.

I heard a leader on a podcast mention that when they moved up through the ranks; it is because someone reached back and pulled them up. This was a person who is the VP of HR at Fedex. He had someone act as a role model for him.

He mentioned how important it is that when you are in a leadership role, to reach back and pull someone up with you. No one succeeds alone. Who can you reach back and help? Who can you be a role model for? Reflect on who helped you as you moved through the ranks.

1. Fully engage with employees

It’s important that when you engage with employees, you are fully engaged in the conversation. That doesn’t mean looking at your phone or typing on your computer while speaking with them. How do you feel when you are communicating with someone and they engage with their phone?

Be there for your employees, not only in a transactional sense, i.e. I need you to do this. Be there for them in the long term and they will look up to you.

2. Have positive energy

No one wants to work for a leader that has no energy. When you come into work dragging because you stayed up late playing Fortnite, that is not a good leadership trait. Good leadership takes a lot of energy. Make sure you do what it requires to show up with lots of energy and vibrancy.

3. Help others in self-discovery

Not everyone on your team will know what they want to be when they grow up. You might have to help them discover their strengths. Take a step back and observe their natural tendencies. Are they in the right role? Do their strengths lie in data analysis and they are in a marketing role? How are their deliverables?

If their deliverables are not excellent or are always late, they may be in the wrong seat on the bus. It is your job as a leader to offer areas where they can be a better fit. Guide them on their journey of discovery and they will always remember you as a role model.

4. Get it done

When you are proactive in their development, people will naturally follow your guidance. They won’t come to you when they are unsure about their fit in the company. You need to go to them. When they see you taking an interest in their success, they will listen to your advice.

Use your observations and knowledge of the business needs to challenge employees. Proactively guide them on their journey and you have learned how to become a role model.

As always, it is an honor to serve you, and I hope that you and your company are getting better every day!

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